For anyone still following, I've been working on Ladybird again. The rally is long behind us now. After a nice rest, I've dusted off Ladybird and started getting her into shape as a nice street car. A fresh engine is currently being built by John at Topline Parts in Fullerton, CA. The rear suspension has been repaired. The off-road rubber on the ground has been swapped out with nice, comfortable street radials. All of the rally paraphernalia, such as the rally meter, desert air filter, extended range fuel tank, fog lights, and mud flaps have been removed.
In about a month, Michelle and I will have a nice, good-looking convertible suitable for turning heads and drive-in movies.
After braving through Peking to Paris twice, one of the longest and most difficult motor events in the world, she deserves to enjoy a fun, active retirement.